Thursday, May 20, 2010


Gods mattered. You can tell by the stones. Walls constructed for housing, storage and workshops were incredibly detailed, but by Inca standards C class; walls built for princes and kings were B class, unbelievable in their smooth, flow and joinery; A class were temple walls, virtually impossible in their fit, size, complexity and beauty.

Standing in the shadow of the stone ruins of Ollantaytambo - a spiritual center that the Spanish leaders begrudgingly acknowledged as an outstanding fortress - I feel how hundreds of years ago political leadership, intellectuals, and regular citizens played their interconnected roles built around serving god. Right or wrong, everyone had a role; everyone had a job. Life had meaning, whether you chiseled rock; grew quinoa; studied the stars; fought against intruders; or lead society. The majority must have grown food and made temples.

What do we do now?

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